2006 : The past is already written in the history book but the future is where the anticipation lies.

Happy new year peeps!

Everything is ready now for NS, I shaved my hair, got all my stuffs ready, ready to go on a 2 months long vacation, this few nites, Ive had enuff of food, i ate alot, me and some friends, we purposely went out to Metro for food at midnight, and thanks to mama for the sea food! Oh yea tht was fun, I've also played enough, enough of DOTA games before I leave, got my PC reformatted, semua semua turned up smoothly, and despites all that, 2 more hours to NS!!

Group pictures of CY1 & CY6, for those of you who'll be leaving, I'll still want to present my favourite quote for you all "The game fades but brotherhood lasts".
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