I did a psychometric test number of years back, the results came out something like this "For a person like you, you'll need to be at the top to retain respect that peoples have for you", also for a number of years I never had an answer of what it really means, or I think its simply inaccurate a psycho test?
"Think Big And Kick Ass" A catchphrase borrowed from Donald Trump, simple as it says, yet how much it speaks out for a person like me, I like thinking big, I think Ferrari, I think properties, I think businesses, i know much peoples out there would have thought I'm impractical, however, we all have dreams, if we are to dream, we might as well dream big, if not why else dream at all? When you think Ferrari you will look for ways to realise your Ferrari, when you think Kancil, then you realise a Kancil, if you dare not even to dream, then how far can you go?
I like to read biographies, just recently I read about Lim Goh Tong's life, as many would have said that he led an interesting life, followed by something like this "I wish God would grant me a life as interesting too..", God treats everyone fairly, everyone are to have equal opportunities, in simple tense, our Mr. Tan Sri didn't get an interesting life, he chose to live an interesting life instead.
My way of working your way up, first come dreams and visions, second comes visualizing your dreams and draft your blueprint, third executing your orders, fourth and final steps is to get the results you want of life. Whatever your definiton of being succesful is, whether to live wealthy, live healthy, happy family, or living peacefully, my definition is financial freedom, and I see and drafted my blueprint, and is heading towards my goals. You're free to think I'm talking trash and give comments, but before doing that you think, what if today I'm Donald Trump speaking to you? =) that answers the starting question for this entry.
Gong Xi Fa Cai and may all of you have a prosperous 2008, year year got fish.
Have A Nice Day!
I feel.
its gonna be a simple entry with very few sentences, it's just how I feel at the current moment.
I feel you're changing, or maybe you have.
I feel myself having hedgehog's dilemma.
I'm feeling insecure.
I feel I should think more for MYSELF.
I try to play a better part, but when I do, I get all these feelings, I think its better to stick back to what I used to be, one who doesn't care about anything.
And for all these cause, I will work hard, I want to live for myself, because I feel like a wraith when I lay all my hopes in you. I, me, myself will come first, from now on.
I feel you're changing, or maybe you have.
I feel myself having hedgehog's dilemma.
I'm feeling insecure.
I feel I should think more for MYSELF.
I try to play a better part, but when I do, I get all these feelings, I think its better to stick back to what I used to be, one who doesn't care about anything.
And for all these cause, I will work hard, I want to live for myself, because I feel like a wraith when I lay all my hopes in you. I, me, myself will come first, from now on.