after much hesitation...finally decided to risk actually being found out by parents that i actually sneak to genting for some fun with sam..yeapz i told them im having an very important exam n cannot meet them that week n haha.....im studyin 'paktology'...so im not tat bad ler...at least i studied...
on saturday, went to the titiwangsa bus stop at 11 sumthing, managed to buy 2 tickets ( as usual we're alwiz rushin -- typical malaysians) coz he gotta work at 11 sumthing n he tot waS 3pm...so call responsible. sumore the gal more worried than the 1 workin....
talking bout malaysians, old man n woman wanted to squeez in the bus n stand for a whole 45 mins juz to go genting on time to earn sum lucky money..an old man sat on MY seat n i juz cant let him stand so end up me squeezin a seat wif sam...so i was sweatin my way up to genting...
Genting changed quite a lot since i last went there...the road now is not tat narrow now in other words safer..the first thing we did when we r there is for sam to take his mc coz he din wanna work tat day.....n had to go thru so much trouble till 4 sumthin in the noon tat he settled everything...after dinner had a walk n went to sleep. Im sick! stupid weather..n theres an egg machine which sam went n waste some money to get his dream toy. but failed.
2nd day -- he went to work at 6 sumting. i slept. after making sure tat im satisfied with all the sleepin, woke up get ready n procastinate as much as possible, then went down to the casino to have a peek at how the way he works...lolz. btw i found out tat ppl in genting are mostly perverts. In the casino, its a huge place with cctv all around, the dealers well trained, the place is sumthing like a playground for adults. After tat went shoppin.
followed sam to do his id in some place which im forbidded to go in but i never cared. then wanted to go to his staff area to have lunch but end up being caught n after sum conflict we went to other place. sams so pissed off, but the 'egg machine' made him happy again..he went n draw out 3 more stupid childish toys n was totally like a kid. But i still love him.
as we wanted to leave that place, his room was locked n no keys. warden went back n slept. roommate missing, phones engaged. so we waited till nearly 7 sumthing when we finally contacted roommate for the keys. then rushed back home as in the ipoh 1.....luckily the bus still available. then took another bus at 11 sumthing to ipoh. bus broke down. air con damn cold. cant sleep. damn it!! we waited for like eternity, then had to pay extra cash to change bus just to go back to ipoh n reached at 5 in the morning.. totally exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after every bad thing that could happen, now sitting here n do this blog thingy. --yeaps im learning--